Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Is Water Intake Important For Skin Health and Beauty?

We all know the rules for beautiful, clear skin. Apply plenty of sunblock. Cleanse well. Get plenty of sleep and drink your 8 glasses of water per day. But how essential is drinking plenty of water for beautiful skin?

Water's importance in maintaining proper health is indisputable. 70% of the body is made up of water, and it is a vital component of any healthy diet. So many of the body's functions require water: it keeps your bowels regular, flushes toxins from your body and energizes your muscles.

True or false: drinking plenty of water helps your skin to glowThere is, however, surprisingly little evidence of the ability of water to improve the condition and appearance of the skin. After water is ingested, it has to be absorbed by the digestive system, then filtered through the kidneys and then diverted to all the internal organs before it reaches skin cells, meaning that most of it will be eliminated before it ever reaches the dermis.

There is also no evidence that drinking more water allows the body to retain more moisture, in the skin or in any other part of the body. A dehydrated person will have drier, scaly skin, but if you are properly hydrated there is no evidence that drinking extra water can 'plump up the skin' or give it a glow.

In a test done by Dr. Mehmet Oz for his popular TV show, Dr. Oz, he compared the skin conditions of a pair of twins, one of whom drank no water for a week, but took in water only through food. At the end of the week, there was no difference in the condition of the skin of both girls. A study done by the British Nutrition Foundation also concluded that there currently appears to be very little scientific evidence relating to the effects of water consumption on skin hydration, and whether drinking more or less water actually has any impact on skin appearance. Researcher Heather Yuregir said: "Drinking water for the sake of drinking water really has no effect on improving the appearance of skin."
“Humans aren’t like plants. Our skin doesn’t perk up when we consume water,” concurs Katie Rodan, a dermatologist in the San Francisco Bay area and a coauthor of Write Your Skin a Prescription for Change.

So how can we keep skin hydrated?

Your skin type, whether it’s dry, oily, or a veritable combo platter, is largely determined by your genes. That natural moisture level then fluctuates depending on what your skin’s protective lipid barrier is exposed to. This lipid layer helps keep moisture in and germs and irritants out. (That’s why dry skin can become red and itchy.)Most of the appearance of the skin is in the outermost layer of the epidermis. If this topmost layer doesn't contain enough water, skin will lose elasticity and feel rough.

Some ways to improve hydration in this layer include minimizing exposure to dehydrating elements such as low humidity, harsh winds, dry heat, high altitude, sun and air-conditioners. Skin cleansers and products that strip the skin of natural oils, or contain alcohol can also be very harsh on the skin.
Eating foods rich in Vitamins A, B, C and E, contained in a range of fruit and vegetables, help keep the skin elastic, protect it from age-related damage and help with the growth of new skin. Foods rich in the essential fatty acids found in walnuts, flaxseed, salmon, and olive oil can also help skin cells stay hydrated. If you have very dry skin or eczema, consider flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, or borage-oil supplements. All are good sources of alpha or gamma linolenic fatty acids. A study by the Institute of Experimental Dermatology, in Germany, showed flaxseed or borage oil supplements can help increase skin moisture and reduce roughness.

A good moisturizer is also a good first defense against drying skin. Key ingredients to look for include stearic acid and emollient ceramides. Don't forget to protect your skin from the drying and aging effects of the sun with a good high-SPF sunscreen.

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