Saturday, April 11, 2015

Supplements Boost Energy Levels and Increase Alertness

You can easily become fatigued by many factors including stress, lack of sleep, poor quality sleep, dietary deficiencies or a lack of sunlight even when you are in good health. There are many methods of boosting your energy levels, including exercising and eating a healthy balanced diet. Some natural practitioners and scientists believe that certain supplements may improve energy levels in certain individuals and many studies are underway to investigate these beliefs.

Many people drink caffeinated beverages to give themselves an energy boost, and there are also liquid and capsule caffeine supplements that may produce similar results. Caffeine is generally produced for mass consumption synthetically in laboratories. A healthier alternative to synthetic caffeine is green tea. Guarana is another herb that is sometimes used in place of caffeine supplements, as it contains similar chemicals that stimulate the body.

Vitamin B12is one of the 13 essential vitamins that your body requires to function optimally. The nutrient is needed to assist with the metabolism of certain nutrients and is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system. Older adults, people with anemia, those who have undergone weight loss surgery and individuals with certain digestive disorders may all be deficient of vitamin B12 and experience symptoms of fatigue and weakness as a result.

A study at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service and the Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center in Grand Forks, North Dakota, concluded that those who experience symptoms of fatigue from deficiencies often get relief from B12 supplements. Some researchers also believe that vitamin B12 supplements may promote energy in all people, regardless of deficiencies; however, science has not been able to prove this thus far.

Rhodiola roseais another supplement that is under investigation for its benefits for those suffering from a lack of energy. The herb is native to northern Europe and has long been used as a folk remedy in Scandinavian countries as well as in Russia. A study at the Department of Neurology at the Armenian State Medical University in Yerevan found that doctors who were stressed and fatigued from working the night shift experienced a boost in mental functioning and energy levels from taking a low-dose rhodiola rosea supplement for 2 weeks.

Ginseng is an herb that comes in three main varieties: Siberian, Panax (Asian) and American. All three ginseng herbs are sometimes recommended by herbal practitioners from various alternative therapy traditions for patients who are feeling fatigued. Studies have proven largely inconclusive about the benefits of the herbs thus far due to mixed results. The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database states that Panax ginseng is "likely effective" at improving thinking and "possibly effective" at increasing athletic performance, possibly by boosting energy.

You should discuss the use of any vitamin or herbal supplementwith your physician and pharmacist before beginning a supplemental regimen. While energy supplements are generally safe when used as directed, they may pose health risks to certain individuals, such as people with some cardiovascular issues or those who take specific medications. Your doctor can also help to rule out any underlying medical problems that may be contributing to your lack of energy.

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