Friday, April 10, 2015

The Secret to Burning Calories Around the Clock

The Three “F’s” of Fitness

This past week I was inspired by a nurse named Beth who revealed her greatest fitness secret: Doing her job. We all know that nurses work hard; they're on their feet for long periods of time, often doing physically and emotionally draining tasks. But Beth's rule is simple: She doesn't like to go to the gym, so she uses a pedometer to count her steps while she's on duty. She starts early, so by 1pm, if she's not on track to meet her daily quota, she takes the stairs instead of the elevator, or offers to make extra trips down the hall for her co-workers. (Looking for a way to crank up your own walking routine? You can get started with my Walking For Fitness Kit - complete with light hand weights, an Indoor Walking DVD, and your very own pedometer.)

Beth is a classic example of the "functional" version of fitness. As you've heard me say before, exercise can be categorized as 3 F's:

* Fun - dancing, hoola-hooping, or playing a sport.
* Formal - specific cardio and strength training routines.
* Functional - everyday activities like walking, carrying groceries, climbing stairs, etc.

Beth's story was a great reminder that when it comes to weight loss, every little step counts, and you don't have to be at the gym to increase your calorie burn.

Run, Jump and Dance

When it comes to the Fun stuff, now is a great time to explore new types of movement, weather permitting. My daughter Kate called me from San Francisco to announce her new passion: Ultimate Frisbee! While running has always been her competitive sport of choice, she was looking for something new, and decided on a whim to join a friend for a huge Ultimate Frisbee competition in the park. Since she's a pretty hardcore athlete, she wasn't expecting much of a challenge, but she was amazed that, after an hour of playing, she got what she dubbed "the workout of a lifetime." If you're in a rut, you'll be amazed at the results when you try a new type of movement.

So, jump into your own game of Ultimate Frisbee, head to the tennis courts with a friend, or consider adding a few new dance moves to your weekly routine. My "Dance Off The Pounds" DVD is a great way to shake things up with 6 easy-to-follow routines including sizzling Latin Rhythm and even Belly-Dancing!

Mix it Up to Keep Up The Burn

Then, of course, there's the Formal. While this might not seem as enjoyable (or even practical) as the other stuff, make no mistake: jazzing up your regimen can transform your workouts from a tired chore to a ton of fun. So call up a friend and start a buddy system to meet for workouts - you'll exchange tips, ideas, and keep each other motivated. Jump into a new step or sculpting class you've never tried. Make an awesome workout play list on your iPod that inspires you to push it to the next level. Or try working with a personal trainer: many clubs offer one complimentary session, and it's a great way to learn new techniques and jumpstart your routine. The key to your success is mixing up your formal workouts with having a selection of fitness DVD’s and the right tools on hand. And of course, you don't have to leave the comfort of your home.

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