Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Art of Living On Vital Energy

Have you ever wondered what it means to love yourself? Love is an acronym for Living On Vital Energy. When you tap into your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy resources, you are truly loving yourself and can live from a place of harmony and joy. It’s “normal” to feel stressed and out of balance when this energy is blocked. It’s “natural” and easy to be relaxed, creative and fully present in each moment when that energy is allowed to flow.

On a physical level we have life force energy that is moving through our bodies and keeping us alive. We tend to block this energy with the tension that comes from chronic stress in resistance to what is. We can reduce stress in our lives by learning to accept what is happening. We can also release the tension caused by stress to restore the natural flow of energy and create physical balance.

On a mental level, as creative beings, we create our reality with the energy of our thoughts. We have about 60,000 thoughts per day on average. If you think of thoughts as currency, and you were given $60,000 every day would you spend it on a lot of junk you don’t want? It’s important to be aware of how you are using the energy of your thoughts. Your imagination is a sacred corner of your mind. The only misuse of imagination is worry. If your thoughts are focused on what you don’t want then they are blocking what you do want. It is possible to train your mind to work for you rather than against you and develop mental wholeness.

On an emotional level we have loving energy. It connects us heart-to-heart. Fear (false expectations appearing real) blocks that energy. It’s important to pay attention to all of your feelings and emotions because they are letting you know if you are operating from a track of love or a track of fear. All of our pleasant or “positive” emotions come from love and all of our unpleasant or “negative” emotions come from fear. It’s the way your soul communicates with you. They are not bad or good, right or wrong; they are useful. If you put your hand on a hot stove you want to feel that pain. It’s telling you something. Move your hand! If you ignored what you were feeling you would get the consequences of a badly burned hand. When you learn the language of your soul you will be directed back to your natural state of emotional harmony.

On a spiritual level we have divine, universal energy. You are like a radio that is always plugged in to your source. However, it is up to you to turn the radio on, tune in to the right frequency and then listen. That is the value of inner silence. We tend to block this energy with doubt and by not listening to our intuition. By learning to be still and trust your intuition, you will experience spiritual freedom.

The creation of a balanced, fulfilling life is similar to building a home. First you need a plan. Then you must build a strong, stable foundation—this represents your physical self. From there you build a structure that sets boundaries and provides the framework through which you view the outside world—your mental self. Next you furnish and decorate this home in such a way that you feel good when you are there and it expresses who you are—your emotional self. Ultimately you move into your home, share it with people you love and it becomes a sanctuary in the world—your spiritual self. As you can see, if you leave out any one of these four parts you won't have a complete home. Likewise, if you don't pay attention to any one of these four aspects of yourself, you will feel like something is missing.

When you have a daily practice to remove blocks of stress, worry, fear and doubt you will have all the vital energy you need to be healthy, happy and fit all the days of your life. Take care of your body, mind, heart and spirit and you will discover what it means to love yourself. Share that love with others and it will transform your life.

"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." ~Albert Einstein

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