Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What’s Your Energy Type?

If you constantly feel exhausted, run-down, like you just can’t get yourself going, it’s time to supercharge your energy. A revelatory new concept claims we each have an energy type, or "E-type," based on where you put on your weight. Read on to discover how you can identify your E-type, allowing you to improve your health and feel better than ever.

E-Type 1: Reactive

If you find yourself overly responsive to stress, constantly on edge, and with a tendency to carry extra weight on your upper back, chest, and arms, you are the “reactive” energy-type. The Reactive E-type is primarily the result of an imbalance in the stress hormone cortisol, which is made worse with a high-glycemic (high sugar) diet. The combination of blood sugar surges from your diet and too much cortisol inflame your body at a cellular level, leaving you feeling emotionally and physically drained.

E-Type 2: Fluctuating

If your period seems unpredictable, you feel tired at random times, and you carry your weight from the waist down, you are the “fluctuating” energy-type. In both men and women, the body maintains a balance of the hormones estrogen and progesterone; a variety of causes, however, can cause an excess of estrogen over progesterone, leading to the fluctuating E-type and its energy drain.

The key to boosting your energy is to reduce excess estrogen. The first step is to add some healthy and tasty foods that contain flavones – compounds that, among other properties, can inhibit estrogen activity. Roots, nuts, seeds, eggs, and dairy all contain high flavones, which can help restore the estrogen-progesterone balance. Next, while soy can be a great part of your diet, it raises estrogen levels, which can be problematic for Fluctuating E-types. If you fall into this category, take care to limit soy in your diet, especially from hidden soy derivatives found in processed foods like sauces, burger patties, ice creams, canned tunas, and artificial flavoring. Check your food labels for the following terms: mono-diglyceride, soya, soja, soybean, soyabeans, soy protein (isolate/concentrate), vegetable protein, textured soy flour (TSF), textured soy protein (TSP), textured vegetable protein (TVP). You should also avoid parabens, or preservative chemicals found in many lotions and cosmetics. They can seep through your skin, and may mimic estrogen activity. Be on the lookout for ingredients containing parabens, such as methyl paraben or propyl paraben, and seek out beauty products labeled paraben free.

While the aforementioned tips are tailored to reduce estrogen levels, you can also boost your progesterone levels by patting on a progesterone cream. Available over-the-counter, progesterone cream is easily absorbed through the skin. Apply 1/4 tsp to a thin part of your skin, such as the inner arm, for 14 days before your expected period to dampen the energy-draining effects of estrogen.

E-Type 3: Sluggish

If you feel exhausted throughout the day, sensitive to changes in temperature, and tend to gain weight throughout your whole body, you are the “sluggish” energy type. In this case, your lack of energy is due to your thyroid not producing enough of the hormone thyroxine, which occurs when your body doesn’t get enough iodine. This can be attributed to consuming too many goitrogens, components of foods that suppress thyroid function.

To supercharge your energy, allow your body to get the thyroid hormone it needs by avoiding goitrogens. Surprisingly, they’re found in many healthy foods like kale, broccoli, cabbage, peaches, and strawberries. Fortunately, you can deactivate goitrogens in your raw veggies simply by steaming them for as little as 10 minutes. That way you’ll reap the benefits of their many nutrients, and give yourself a thyroid thrust. You can ramp up your thyroid function even further by taking a daily dose of vitamin D. It’s a crucial component in thyroid function, especially in winter months when we don’t get enough natural vitamin D through sun exposure. Take 1000 IUs daily for maximum effect.

This final suggestion may be a bit surprising, but naturopaths have been recommending for years that you can hum your thyroid to health! They argue that the inner vibration stimulates the release of thyroid hormone. Try tapping the sides of your neck at the base 10 times while deeply humming. If the vibrations alone aren’t enough to boost your energy, humming one of your favorite tunes surely will help.

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