Monday, April 6, 2015

The Secret to Endless Energy

Need some more energy? It's simple. All you have to do is...relax.

Yes, it seems like a contradiction. But when you think about it, the concept of "energy" has been misrepresented over the years. Take the classic Energizer Bunny, for example. All he does is go, go, go, beating his drum with vim and verve, until suddenly, his battery runs out, and he's down for the count.

Most of us don't run on Duracells. And the "go, go, go" mentality can be exhausting, especially as we age. The trick is to find a level of calm energy that we can maintain throughout the day, and even throughout our lives. But where does that come from?

The answer may surprise you: One of the best sources of energy is exercise. Yep, it's a Catch 22: Working out boosts energy, but if you don't have the energy to start moving in the first place, how do you break the cycle?

First of all, keep it simple. 
Create a workout routine that balances higher-intensity exercises with more moderate, restorative moves. Yoga and Pilates offer gentle yet effective techniques for staying fit without feeling depleted afterward.

Go long, go slow, and have FUN. 
You know by now that I'm a big advocate of interval training (bursts of high-intensity activity that boost metabolism and burn more calories). But don't discount the power of long/slow training. I've been an advocate for this type of gently-paced exercise since early in my career. In fact, some of my earliest titles, like the workouts on my Fat Burning Classics compilation DVD, incorporate the long/slow technique, and the classic 80's soundtrack, hairstyles and leg-warmers might just energize you with a smile and a chuckle.

Recharge & Rejuvenate. 
 Getting back to that Energizer Bunny idea, if you need to recharge your battery, you've got to plug into the ultimate energy source...sleep. I just took a trip to London with a group of girlfriends, and by the fifth day of schlepping, sightseeing, walking and dining, my fellow travelers all marveled at my consistent energy. And my secret is simple: 7-8 hours every night, even across the pond. Of course, it's common sense; if you are rested, you'll feel rested. But a lack of shut-eye also wreaks havoc on our hormone balance and metabolism, which is why we reach for sugary, fatty foods when we're sleep-deprived...and nothing zaps your energy like junk food.

Need an all-natural sleep aid? Try this relaxation exercise before bed:

The Half Shoulder Stand - Lie on the floor perpendicular to the wall, with your legs extending up the wall, ankles together. Rest your palms on your belly or at your sides facing up. Hold this pose for 2 to 10 minutes, and say "goodnight" to that insomnia.

For more techniques on rejuvenating, relaxing and recharging, check this out:

My Energize & Restore Kit includes a PM program to help you relax and de-stress before you hit the hay, and an energizing AM program to restore and renew you in the morning. Try it Tonight!

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