Wednesday, April 1, 2015

How Can We Support Healing and Energy During Treatment

Having attended various 'Clinical Approaches to Cancer' symposiums, it is very clear that whole food nutrition, nutritional (non-synthetic!) and botanical supplementation support the individual - without adversely affecting treatment, or sometimes enhancing medical treatment if that is desired.

Do contact me for additional information, as it requires a customized approach. Each individual and case is different – after all, it is not about the illness. It is about the individual who is experiencing a serious health crisis. And about the dear ones providing support!

When faced with chronic illness, it is important to address various pieces of the puzzle that contribute to the dis-ease.

Once one hears a cancer diagnosis, stress levels understandably go through the roof. There is fear, anger, confusion, emotional numbness, pain, frustration, a scattered brain, anxiety, sadness – “your rug is pulled from underneath you..” And there is a feeling of loss of power. It is vital, to regain a sense of ‘Self’, maintaining one’s identity during this crisis mode.

With this in mind, I decided to write regarding self-empowerment tips, ranging from nutritional support to emotional healing. It is all about the Mind-Body-Spirit connection and I hope it will be helpful information ( you are welcome to share).

So, how can we support our Healing, Wellbeing and Energy from a Mind-Body perspective?

1) Before any treatment or surgery, make yourself as strong and healthy as possible. Blood labs show nutritional deficiencies, and in most cases, there is time to address these with a few weeks prior to treatment.

2) Nutritional/herbal supplementation is recommended. From personal experience, I am aware that most oncologists will nix both. I do recommend consulting with an integrated practitioner, as there are certain considerations with different treatments.

3) Weight training, Yoga, rhythmical movement, Qi Gong are very helpful to improve circulation, lymphatic detoxification and oxygenation of tissues. Anything that 'builds and moves chi' will be helpful in supporting

vitality. Getting into the pool, if that is an option, is also helpful if one likes the water. (Chlorine is another matter...).

4) Getting rid of toxic relationships that are draining is essential. We need the support of healing energy, love and compassion. Bad relationships, in any shape or form, will pull us down, will affect out energy and wellbeing. Negative thinking will create and draw-in more negative effects. 

Creating a social support that is supportive and calming, taking care of any outside 'struggles' that deplete energy is a good idea. Ideally, troubling matters are brought to closure before beginning of treatment so there are no distractions along the treatment way. The focus is on getting through it, while supporting min-body wellness.

5) Also, trust 100% in whatever surgeon, procedures and treatments you have chosen. Others might come with their suggestions, their projections, their worries.

You have chosen your path for your reasons. Cast aside ALL DOUBT. Doubt will lower your vibrations. We need to raise our vibrations, not easy during a tough time, surround yourself with good vibrations. (On that note, listen to uplifting music or inspirational healing words.)

6) Meditation, acupuncture, cranio-sacral are terrific. All modalities will build energy and reduce inflammation. They will support you, decrease stress, help immune function and build energy.

7) Nutritionally? Eating organic, vibrant foods will support vitality. It is best to steam foods slightly as digestion will be weaker during treatment. It is important to support the digestive process and gut flora.

8) "Stop beating yourself up". Accepting rather than fighting will save you energy. Keep faith in the body's ability to heal, connect with spirit as you are going through difficult times, “it is what it is”…

9) Take it one day at a time, finding joy in small daily things that we sometime take for granted. Compassion, love, grief, guilt, shame and forgiveness - all are connected to cancer. Cast them aside, “make room for living in the present, seeing beauty in daily creations of Nature”.

10) Consider energy medicine to take emotional burdens of your heart and mind, raise your energy and let your spirit become free to soar. Free-up emotional blockages that keep you ‘stuck’ and ‘clogged up’ at an energetic level.

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