Monday, March 30, 2015

For Busy Women: 3 Tips for Easy Ways to Become More Fit

Whether you are a full-time mom, working mom, working professional, or college student, one of the biggest challenges to becoming fit is finding the time in your busy life. The good news is that this challenge may not be as difficult as you may think.

Did you know that the fastest way to increase your flexibility and build stronger muscles is to engage your brain intentionally during your fitness routine? And, you can actually increase your fitness just by doing your daily activities if you know how to engage your brain.

Our brain is what controls and organizes all of our movements -- our body, our thoughts, and our feelings. In order to move, our brain has to form detailed representation and connections. This is called "mapping" of the brain, which creates the various configurations and patterns of our movement.

One of the most powerful ways to facilitate and greatly accelerate this process is to bring Attention to what you feel as you move. You can reduce hours of mindless repetition of certain movements to just a few minutes of movement infused with your attention to what you feel as you move, and you can get much greater, more fuller mapping of those areas of your body. In response, your muscles get stronger and become more toned, and your body will become more flexible, at least as much, if not more, than doing lengthy, repetitious movement.

Fitness Tip # 1

Movement With Attention: The next time you do any kind of fitness regimen, take a few minutes, slow down, and pay close attention to what you feel as you move. Do this a number of times throughout your workout and you will begin feeling immediate changes that, in a few weeks, can translate into greater fitness, fewer injuries, and more vitality. Experience how your fitness will be enhanced in just a short time.

Another powerful Essential for the busy woman that can greatly enhance fitness is Imagination. If you are really busy and don't have time to go to the gym or take a class, think of the movements that you do during your daily activity as a fitness program. Research has shown that using your imagination can make a significant difference in your health and fitness.

Fitness Tip # 2

Imagination: Think of the movements you do during your daily tasks -- such as carrying your groceries, taking your laundry downstairs, making the bed, pushing the stroller, walking to another office -- as great exercise, and bring attention to your movements from time to time throughout the day. Think of these tasks as your fitness regimen, so you can use the movements to wake up your brain and engage it with ways that increase your fitness with what you are already doing. By doing this, you can increase your flexibility, your strength, your general fitness level, and you will become more alert.

Another Essential that wakes up and enhances the brain to improve your body and fitness is Variation. When you do your fitness program in an automatic manner, you get only a small portion of the benefit because your brain only strengthens already-existing patterns.

Fitness Tip # 3

Variation: Whenever you are doing your daily activities or participating in a fitness program, take a few minutes every so often and change things around. Go a little slower or faster, do it wrong, do it right, move in a variety of ways. Be playful with the variation of your movements and your brain will thrive. This approach will wake up your brain to connect with your body and improve the quality of the organization of your movements. The better the organization of your movements, the more fit you will become. The outcome will yield better organization of your muscles, along with fewer injuries, and greater energy and vitality.

And moving will feel good!

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