Thursday, May 14, 2015

Organic Raw Foods Fight Diabetes

More and more people spend millions of dollars getting treated for various diseases like diabetes without even knowing the key ingredient is all about organic raw foods. Studies show that by consuming uncooked and unprocessed foods helps your body alkalize thereby it is easier to eliminate toxins in the body. On the one hand, if you consume more cooked, processed foods, you introduce acidic components to your body that are more difficult to get rid of.

In cooking, some of the nutrients in the food are destroyed and oftentimes causes chemical changes and that it produces acidic toxins such as free radicals and carcinogens that link to diabetes. It also damages live enzymes that help in digestion.

Some people think that adapting an organic raw diet is more costly than your everyday typical food. However, in the long run this will save your more bucks than you can ever imagine. You'll son notice how you less frequent your doctor's office and entirely stop prescription medications for all sorts of diet-related diseases. Once you get used to eating organic raw food that is fresh, unspoiled and there are those inexpensive types too; you'll even feel less hungry all the time. Once your stomach is used to eating less fatty and oily, it can now easily absorb nutrients and warred off unwanted bulges in your midsection.

By reducing intake of cholesterol-laden foods often times accompanied by cooking and frying; an individual can cut incidence of having hypertension, heart disease and diabetes by fifty percent. Organic raw foods are also low in calorie that will mean less weight to gain. Gaining excess weight due to eating high caloric foods would eventually lead to diabetes. With so many food selections in supermarkets it is so easy to spot less nutritional food with whooping caloric counts. One has to be very keen and particular reading food labels and not just easily grab anything on the shelf.

Organic stores are very popular today due to a high demand of eating healthily. One can be sure that the food we eat is also free from pesticides and all natural. We can start leading and living a healthy lifestyle with going organic and raw. In the end, one will be even surprise by how much they can save from health care costs. Steer clear from fast food that will only give unnecessary calories and unsaturated fats that will predispose one to life threatening diseases such as diabetes.

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